Due to building work at our usual venue, we’re having to displace a number of our classes between 23rd March to 17th April.
*Bruntsfield Evangelical Church, 70 Leamington Terrace, EH10 4JU – entrance via side door on Westhall Gardens. Start time Beginners class: 6.15pm
**Columcille Centre, 2 Newbattle Terrace, EH10 4RT.
Our Website Calendar has been updated with the new dates and times. Please click each event for specifics.
Also our members only section has been updated with the newly revised date sheets for download if required.
If you need the password please speak to an instructor at class or see our Private Facebook Group which has a post explaining the members section and how to access it.
From the 28th Feb our Tiger Classes are changing to an earlier start of 5.45 to 6.25pm and will run in the upstairs hall (side hall on the entry system). Our fitness classes which normally run there will move to the lower hall given the number of Tigers we now have regularly training.
There are some amendments and exceptions to this which we’ve added to a new date sheet given our displaced classes in March/April, please see the dates sheets for further information however following this the new timetable will be the regular training slot.
Currently (22-02-2020) there is a waiting list in place for the Tigers, however if you’re interested please message us for more info and to be placed on the waiting list for future spots.
As always if you need further information please contact us via Facebook, in class or using the Contact Us page.
Kind regards,
– JKS Edinburgh