Category: Blog

May 7, 2023 D.Hogg

O Sensei Funakoshi Who is Funakoshi Sensei? O Sensei Funakoshi Gichin (1868-1957) is the founder of Shotokan Karate and is widely regarded as one of the most important figures in…

April 30, 2023 D.Hogg

Masatoshi Nakayama Sensei In this, our second post we look briefly on the life of Nakayama Masatoshi sensei (1913-1987). Nakayama sensei was an exceptional martial artist and ground-breaking thinker, who…

April 23, 2023 D.Hogg

Tetsuhiko Asai Sensei In this, the first of three posts, we look to briefly explore the linage of Shotokan Karate, working from our association, the JKS, back in time to…

March 24, 2023 D.Hogg

Spirit First, Technique Second “Spirit First, Technique Second”     This is often read as the idea of striving for perfection while understanding in reality that physical perfection is impossible….

March 23, 2023 D.Hogg

First Understand Yourself Also translated as: “First understand yourself, then understand others.”     Outside the dojo we all know that person who imposes their opinions on others, or who…

March 22, 2023 D.Hogg

Karate is an Aid to Justice “Karate Is an Aid to Justice”     This is a precept that is, compared to some of the other 20, relatively direct in…

March 21, 2023 D.Hogg

There is No First Attack “Karate ni sente nashi,” – “There is no first attack in karate.”   The ultimate goal of karate is to defend oneself and to avoid…

March 20, 2023 D.Hogg

Karate Begins & Ends with Respect This is often translated as “Karate begins and ends with rei” meaning to bow. In a literal sense this is true, every lesson starts…

February 14, 2023 D.Hogg

What Is Shotokan? ✍️ ** MINI BLOG ** ✍️ Our style of karate 🥋 is known as Shotokan, which is a traditional Japanese martial art developed in the early 20th century…